A friend of me asked if I could detect some WSPR signals on 20m. He has been monitoring it a while without any activity.
I also read the comments of G4ILO on the WSPRnet.org site : http://wsprnet.org/drupal/node/384
I must admit that I was also stuck on 30m.
He made a statement and yesterday I had a day off. A whole day of listening later this is what passed my screen :
Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az 2009-01-21 10:48 EA1FAQ 14.097137 -24 0 IN71op 0.5 ON3JT JO21fe 1274 30 2009-01-21 09:58 VK6BN 14.097091 -23 -1 OF88ac 10 ON3JT JO21fe 14167 313
Not much.
Hey guys, if you want that propagation monitoring works, we need to activite all bands.