Conditions on VHF

It started with this newsitem on (in Dutch) :
Seems that there were conditions on VHF and UHF.

I didn’t have any all mode transceivers for V/UHF nor antennas, so I fired SDR# up and my RTL-SDR stick. This stick is connected to a simple Diamond X50 antenna, just 8 meters AGL.
To my surprise there was still activity on 144.174 MHz, the FT8 frequency on 2M. I started receiving after a small struggle with WSJT-X (serial port tried to open 2M on my Icom IC756, had to disable CAT functionality).

And not long after startup it showed some nice DX : EA1SI in Spain, about 1143 km from me. See the pictures for more stations I received. I could sit the whole day at my desk to monitor FT8 on VHF.

In the evening I saw a retweet from Raf, ON5RZ that showed the reception of a Norwegian DAB/DAB+ transmitter received in Belgium. Eager to see if my RTL stick would receive, I started and Qt-dab.
There was not much to see in but then Lille Etendu showed on the screen. That is in the northern part of France, but I don’t seem to find the exact transmitter location. in QT-Dab I also found Lille Local and Local 2.

And my best dx : Denmark DAB2 S.
This is in South Jutland :
Still a decent 540 km. Nice, but no audio, just 2 to 4 dB above the noise is a bit low for good decoding.


Picture 1 of 5

I also noticed a strong signal on 144.8875, it was SSTV. Some received pictures below.


Picture 14 of 15